Eddington Expedition

LIGO first detects gravitational waves

VLTI/Gravity provides first observation of material orbiting close to the point of no return

The first image of a black hole
Scientific developments
Fri 14
Sat 15
Sun 16
Mon 17
Tue 18
Wed 19
Thu 20
March 2025

The first image of a black hole

Published in Apr 10, 2019.
Updated in Jun 19, 2020.

On April 10, 2019, the first image ever captured of a black hole was presented to the public. But what were the events that lead to this discovery?

This timeline has 34 events organized into 2 topics:

  • Telescopes
  • Scientific developments
This timeline has 34 events:
29/05/1919Eddington ExpeditionEddington Expedition
10/04/2019 • 10:00:00The first image of a black hole is presented to the publicThe first image of a black hole is presented to the public
05/04/2017The telescope first aims at M87 galaxy center
01/01/198001/01/1984IRAM 30-Meter Telescope
01/01/1987James Clerk Maxwell TelescopeJames Clerk Maxwell Telescope
01/11/2003Submillimeter ArraySubmillimeter Array
01/11/200616/02/2007South Pole Telescope
28/04/2017Katie Bouman's TED Talk
04/11/191525/11/1915Einstein submits his papers on the General Theory of RelativityEinstein submits his papers on the General Theory of Relativity
01/01/1781Discovery of the M87 galaxyDiscovery of the M87 galaxy
01/01/196501/01/1967First developments of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI)
01/01/2009Creation of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT)
27/11/1783John Michell first imagined "black holes"John Michell first imagined "black holes"
22/12/1915Karl Schwarzschild solves Einstein's equationsKarl Schwarzschild solves Einstein's equations
01/01/1995Existence of black holes is confirmed
11/03/1968Shapiro time delayShapiro time delay
01/01/1978First successful mm-VLBI observations
01/01/19941.3 mm VLBI observations between IRAM telescopes
11/01/1995 • 18:35:00Tremendous Mass Concentration in Strange Galaxy Revealed by VLBATremendous Mass Concentration in Strange Galaxy Revealed by VLBA
01/01/2003VLBI observations at 147 GHz
04/05/2011Gravity Probe B confirms frame dragging
11/02/2016LIGO first detects gravitational wavesLIGO first detects gravitational waves
12/04/2019Katie Bouman's talk at Caltech


2 topics
34 events
10 files
26 videos
0 audios
30 links
18 images