Angel of the Annunciation

The painting is described by Vasari. A drawing survives among studies for the Battle of Anghiari.
The drawing at right, known as The Incarnate Angel is a satirical copy, perhaps by Salaì, in the Kunstmuseum Basel. There are some extant copies of the subject by Leonardeschi, including:
Workshop of Leonardo da Vinci? Angel of the Annunciation, c. 1505–13? Oil on canvas (transferred from panel), 66 × 47.3 cm, Hermitage, St. Petersburg.
Workshop of Leonardo da Vinci? St John the Baptist, c. 1508–13? Panel, 71 × 52 cm, Kunstmuseum Basel.
Workshop of Leonardo da Vinci? St John the Baptist, c. 1508–13? Oil on panel, 75 × 53.4 cm, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
Baccio Bandinelli. Annunciate Angel. Sketch after Leonardo da Vinci.
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