Neurobiologist Rafael Yuste talks to El País about a "new humanism" based on Neuroscience
25/05/2015View on timeline
"In the continent of neurocultures, local areas may be scrutinized, but it is not possible to demarcate in general the lands of the “good guys” who do the basic science and the territories of the “bad” ones who unduly market hype and hope. They all stand together within one system and are jointly liable for the consequences of their claims. There is in this respect no difference between the “brain gym” quack and the adviser to the BRAIN Initiative who claims that when humanity fully understands its brain, it will understand itself from within, and that such development will revolutionize culture and constitute 'a new humanism.' "
About this issue, Rafael Yuste delacres, to the newspaper "El Pais":
"When we understand the brain, humanity will understand itself inside for the first time. I would not be surprised if this revolutionizes the culture and changes many things like education, the legal system or the economy. It will be a new humanism." - Rafael YusteDownload the complete article of El Pais below:Yuste, Rafael. 2015. “ ‘Cuando entendamos el cerebro, la humanidad se entenderá a sí misma’ [Intervi...
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