Neural Correlates of Behavioral Preference for Culturally Familiar Drinks, by Samuel McClure
14/10/2004View on timeline
"The “Pepsi paradox” refers to the fact that people show a reliable preference for Coke (vs. Pepsi) when they have brand information (as in supermarkets) but not in the absence of such information (as in blind taste tests). Neuroimaging studies of this phenomenon demonstrate a consistent neural response in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex correlated with subjects’ behavioral preferences (McClure et al. 2004) and that damage to that brain area abolishes the paradox (Koenigs and Tranel 2008).
Download McClure's complete article below:
McClure, Samuel M., Jian Li, Damon Tomlin, et al. 2004. “Neural Correlates of Behavioral Preference...
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