Laying of the first stone of Notre-Dame

Construction of the South Rose

Saint-Étienne de Sens

Coronation of Napoleon I

Rehabilitation trial of Joan of Arc

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Notre-Dame de Paris: Construction and Reconstruction
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Vandalization by the huguenots

01/01/1548View on timeline

The last time, it was calvinists who vandalized Notre Dame

The French Religion Wars were a 36-year period of conflict between Roman Catholics and Huguenots (Reformed/Calvinists Protestants), from 1562 to 1598.

Supposedly, in 1548, during the war, huguenots vandalized the Notre Dame Cathedral in an effort to rid it of idols and images of worship. It is a well documented event in newspaper articles, like the ones below:

Notre-Dame fire: Eight centuries of turbulent history, by the BBC

When Renovating Notre Dame Cathedral, France Should Eschew The Cute, Forbes Magazine

Notre Dame Cathedral Is Crumbling. Who Will Help Save It?, by Time Magazine

Ten Minute History - The French Wars of Religion (Short Documentary)
French Wars of Religion


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Published in 25/04/2019

Updated in 19/02/2021

All events in the topic Events that took place in the cathedral:

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07/11/1455Rehabilitation trial of Joan of ArcRehabilitation trial of Joan of Arc
01/05/2013A beehive occupies the roofA beehive occupies the roof
01/01/1548Vandalization by the huguenots
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18/08/1572Henri de Bourbon's marriage to Marguerite de Valois
01/01/2015Scanning of the building by Andrew TallonScanning of the building by Andrew Tallon