Laying of the first stone of Notre-Dame

Construction of the South Rose

Saint-Étienne de Sens

Coronation of Napoleon I

Rehabilitation trial of Joan of Arc

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Notre-Dame de Paris: Construction and Reconstruction
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Scanning of the building by Andrew Tallon

01/01/2015View on timeline

In 2015, the Vassar College professor Andrew Tallon scanned the whole building of the Notre Dame Cathedral in great detail, using a laser technology. He died in November 2018, months before the fire — and now, in the aftermath of this tragedy, it is believed that his work will be incredibly valuable for the restoration of the building.

The late Associate Professor of Art Andrew Tallon, pictured at work scanning the National Cathedral...

Tallon, who died of cancer on November 18, 2018, pioneered the use of laser technology and advanced imaging techniques and built a digital model of Notre Dame. His work with images captured by the drone-borne, 360-degree spherical cameras he deployed at the 800-year-old cathedral continued until his death. In a publication following his death, the Society of Architectural Historians said Tallon “was esteemed worldwide as an innovative scholar of French Gothic art and architecture, one who introduced new digital techniques to the analysis and re-creation of the spatial archaeology of medieval buildings. In all his work, he was an inspired and generous educator who brought the past to life in vivid and meaningful ways.” — Larry Hertz for Vassar College Stories

Restoration of Notre Dame May Be Part of Professor Andrew Tallon’s Legacy

On the 2017 video below, Andrew Tallon offers a tour of Notre Dame's roof, pointing out the fragility of the construction:
A Visit to Notre-Dame of Paris with Andrew Tallon (CHROME BROWSER ONLY)

And here are more videos on the subject. The first one shows professor Tallon himself explaining the technology he used on the National Cathedral, in Washington, D.C.

Laser Scanning Reveals Cathedral’s Mysteries | National Geographic
3D scans of Notre Dame could prove pivotal in its reconstruction


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Published in 16/05/2019

Updated in 19/02/2021

All events in the topic Events that took place in the cathedral:

02/12/1804Coronation of Napoleon ICoronation of Napoleon I
07/11/1455Rehabilitation trial of Joan of ArcRehabilitation trial of Joan of Arc
01/05/2013A beehive occupies the roofA beehive occupies the roof
01/01/1548Vandalization by the huguenots
10/11/1793Fête de la RaisonFête de la Raison
18/08/1572Henri de Bourbon's marriage to Marguerite de Valois
01/01/2015Scanning of the building by Andrew TallonScanning of the building by Andrew Tallon