Notre-Dame de Paris: Construction and Reconstruction

Published in Apr 22, 2019.
Updated in Jun 19, 2020.

On April 15, 2019, a fire struck the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris. This timespace guides you through the history and possible future of this Parisian landmark.

This timeline has 42 events organized into 4 topics:

  • Architecture
  • Events that took place in the cathedral
  • Other related events
  • Architectural influences
This timeline has 42 events:
01/01/184431/05/1864Major restorationMajor restoration
01/01/1831Victor Hugo published Notre-Dame de ParisVictor Hugo published Notre-Dame de Paris
02/12/1804Coronation of Napoleon ICoronation of Napoleon I
15/04/2019 • 18:20:0016/04/2019 • 08:30:00Fire
05/05/178909/11/1799French revolution
07/11/1455Rehabilitation trial of Joan of ArcRehabilitation trial of Joan of Arc
12/10/116011/09/1196Maurice de Sully's term as Bishop of Paris
19/05/1182Consecration of the master altarConsecration of the master altar
15/07/1801Signing of the 1801 ConcordatSigning of the 1801 Concordat
01/01/199001/01/1992Restoration of the great organRestoration of the great organ
01/05/2013A beehive occupies the roofA beehive occupies the roof
13/06/313Edict of MilanEdict of Milan
14/07/1789Fall of the BastilleFall of the Bastille
26/08/1789Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
21/01/1793Execution of King Louis XVI
05/09/179328/07/1794Reign of TerrorReign of Terror
09/11/1799Coup of 18 Brumaire
01/01/1548Vandalization by the huguenots
10/11/1793Fête de la RaisonFête de la Raison
18/08/1572Henri de Bourbon's marriage to Marguerite de Valois
01/01/1260Construction of the South RoseConstruction of the South Rose
01/01/1250Construction of the North RoseConstruction of the North Rose
01/01/113501/01/1144Construction of the façade and apse of the Abbey of Saint-DenisConstruction of the façade and apse of the Abbey of Saint-Denis
01/01/1150Notre-Dame de NoyonNotre-Dame de Noyon
01/01/1153Notre-Dame de SenlisNotre-Dame de Senlis
01/01/1160Notre-Dame de LaonNotre-Dame de Laon
01/01/1164Saint-Étienne de SensSaint-Étienne de Sens
01/01/1225Construction of the West RoseConstruction of the West Rose
01/01/1250Construction of the first spireConstruction of the first spire
01/01/178601/01/1792The first spire was dismantled
01/01/2015Scanning of the building by Andrew TallonScanning of the building by Andrew Tallon
15/04/2019 • 19:53:00The spire collapsed under the fire


4 topics
42 events
7 files
56 videos
0 audios
101 links
62 images
