Laying of the first stone of Notre-Dame

Construction of the South Rose

Saint-Étienne de Sens

Coronation of Napoleon I

Rehabilitation trial of Joan of Arc

Victor Hugo published Notre-Dame de Paris

Fall of the Bastille

Notre-Dame de Paris: Construction and Reconstruction
Architectural influences
Events that took place in the cathedral
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March 2025

Construction of the West Rose

01/01/1225View on timeline

The oldest rose window is the one on the western façade, the best-known view of the Cathedral. It is 9.60 meters in diameter and features, on the outer circles, the twelve signs of the zodiac, the labors of the months and the virtues and vices. In the middle, the virgin and the child, surrounded by the twelve prophets. 

Zoom out from the west rose window of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris
On the link below you can see a detailed explanation of each figure on the western rose window:

West Rose

Interior view of the western rose window. The full view has been blocked by the pipes of the great o...

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Published in 9/05/2019

Updated in 19/02/2021

All events in the topic Architecture:

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01/01/1225Construction of the West RoseConstruction of the West Rose
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