Antipsychotics: Is It Time to Introduce Patient Choice?, by Morrison et al.
30/04/2012View on timeline
Given the evidence that the efficacy of antipsychotics has been overestimated—and their toxicity underestimated—as well as emerging data regarding alternative treatment options, it has been argued that patients should be given more choice concerning medication and therapy. A 2012 editorial in the British Journal of Psychiatry argued that nonadherence and discontinuation of medication by some psychotic patients may “represent a rational informed choice rather than an irrational decision due to lack of insight or symptoms such as suspiciousness” (Morrison et al. 2012, 83).
Download the full article below:Morrison P. Anthony, Paul Hutton, David Shiers, and Douglas Turkington. 2012. “Antipsychotics: Is It...
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